Individual health services IGeL

We offer the following IGeL services in our gynecological practice in Hamburg Rahlstedt:

Vaginal ultrasound

Ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries: Here, the lining of the uterus can be assessed and fibroids or cysts can be detected

Breast ultrasound

(breast sonography)
To detect non-palpable findings, this procedure can be used to optimally supplement early breast cancer detection without radiation exposure.

Inserting a spiral

or hormonal contraceptive coil

Insertion of Implanon


(vaccination) for repeated bladder infections

UBC bladder cancer test

Colorectal cancer detection test from stool

Prenatal diagnostics in Hamburg Rahlstedt:

Extended first trimester screening

incl. Nuchal translucency measurement, assessment of the nasal bone, measurement of ductus venosus and tricuspid valve regurgitation as well as early fine ultrasound to assess the risk of trisomy 13/18/21 and other chromosomal disorders.

Next Generation Screening

incl. Nuchal translucency measurement, assessment of the nasal bone, measurement of ductus venosus and tricuspid valve regurgitation as well as early fine ultrasound to assess the risk of trisomy 13/18/21 and other chromosomal disorders + pre-eclampsia screening (risk of pregnancy poisoning) and NIPT if necessary

Fine ultrasound – malformation diagnostics

(only self-pay service if there is no medical indication or referral)

Fetal echocardiography

(only self-pay service, if there is no medical indication or referral)


(only self-pay service, if there is no medical indication or referral)

Chorionic villus sampling

(only self-pay service, if there is no medical indication or referral)


Detailed advice

Ultrasound on request during pregnancy

(including 3D/4D)

We will be happy to advise you personally (in German, Polish or English) on which measures are appropriate or less appropriate for you.

Please contact us.

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